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The first academic paper on the QDOS, CP/M, MS-DOS comparison in the Journal of Software Engineering and Applications can be found here.

An article summarizing the findings in IEEE Spectrum can be found here.

Download a zip file of the first QDOS, CP/M, MS-DOS comparison and reference materials:

The second academic paper on the comparison in the Journal of Computer and Communications can be found here.

An article summarizing the findings at can be found here.

Download a zip file of the second CP/M, MS-DOS comparison of code from the Computer History Museum:

Hear Jerry Pournelle tell John Dvorak about the "secret command" in DOS
on the podcast This Week in Tech (TWiT), Episode 73: Hello Armenia, October 15, 2006:

If it doesn't play, you can download it here.

Here is Bob Zeidman's presentation of the results of his comparison to the Vintage Computer Festival:

You can download the presentation here.

Bob Zeidman Earns IEEE Outstanding Engineer Award for Pioneering Contributions to Software Forensics.
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